Many people, try as they might and with the best intentions, forget during the busy business day to be their “higher self.” In other words, to “stay in the right mind.”

I have a quick tip that will instantly take you there anytime you are with another person. And it is quite simple, but actually is so powerful it can almost startle you. But don’t let it startle you; instead, let it astound you!

The tip is simple and easy. Simply say to yourself when looking at someone, “I am looking at an image of myself.” Alternatively you can simply say, “I am looking at my own thoughts.” Or try “I am looking at myself.” Whichever feels best for you is fine.

Doing this instantly shifts your mind from the old mind, which is born out of separation and fear, into the right mind. which is nurtured in healing, oneness, and love.

Try this while doing business today. I have yet to have a less that stellar encounter with anyone I do this with.

Can you imagine what that meeting would be like if you BOTH were to do that at the same time?