The old bumper sticker slogan “QUESTION AUTHORITY” was pretty cool in its day.

I propose a new version of the same idea, except it goes way beyond that.

My new motto is “QUESTION REALITY!”

The first step toward your achieving inner peace, which leads to health in the true sense of the word, is to question everything you have believed in the past.

This new way of thinking is not easy and won’t happen overnight.

My favorite way of “converting” my own mind is to practice some ho’oponopono for as long as I can in the morning, along with some forgiveness exercises, and then observe just how the day goes really well when I start it out that way.

This is the “proof” I need to reinforce the fact that, yes, it IS true that my world is merely a reflection of my mind, and when I deliberately change my mind by using these simple steps that The Miracle Business Method teaches, the whole world changes with it.

It is not that my brain is sending out alpha waves to re-align the things in the world, rather it is that my mind has opened up to a world based on joy, peace and eternity instead of fear, despair and time. So on those days when I practice the steps, I enter that world so to speak.

This world is very unlike what you think it is. Question its reality on a daily basis.