What are you?

The answer to that question will change the way you think and will change everything you see around you.

If you think you are a body and see other bodies all day long, then you are “buying into” the illusion of time and space and you will have endless problems, complications, fear and despair, punctuated by occasional happy periods. The happy periods are always doled out sparingly, because they are a requirement for you to “go along with the program” of the world. Without a few of these happy occurrences, nobody would stay here nearly this long!

Today, try to think of yourself as an idea. A weightless thing, moving through a projected movie where your thoughts appear like solid objects.

Recall our discussions of quantum physics while you walk around today. The quadrillions of electrons your eyes see come out of nowhere and act like waves unless they are being observed.

You are what you think you are. It is up to you. I challenge you to have a better day than the one you’ll have when you stop thinking of yourself as a separate body, alone against the great big nasty world. Why not just float through it instead?