What is it for?

With everything you experience at work today, you should ask this question in regard to that thing, that situation, that task, whatever it may be.

If the thing you are thinking about doesn’t advance your right mind, then it is merely another pointless exercise.

I think about some of the things I encountered today, a typical work day. I may have “done the job” and “taken care of business” but the things I thought about today that didn’t advance either my right mind or my projects I am working on to speak about and teach about right thinking were really pointless exercises with no real substance now that they have faded into the past of the earlier part of this day

So why even catalog it in my brain? It didn’t advance the goal of healing and forgiveness. I will forget it; I’ll recall it if it comes up and I need to recall it for some “business” reason. But it is still pointless.

I like having the alertness (not always but sometimes, and I am working on that percentage!) to sort out while I am working in my mind what matters and what doesn’t.

Try it today. Simply ask “What is it for?” any time you feel like you should be questioning the importance of anything. And don’t be afraid to mentally discard a lot of “stuff” that happens at work today. It should actually feel good to lighten your mental load.