We are actually in darkness. The devil is in the details. so to speak. When you consider that “the devil” would be the equivalent of what blocks you from spending more time in your “Right Mind,” then this world really is the equivalent of what might be called “the devil.”

We are in darkness when all our time is spent dwelling on the past and the future. Without your diligence for maintaining the “right mind thinking” that The Miracle Business Method professes, you will spend your whole workday in darkness. What is the definition of darkness? How about a place where seeing is impossible? When you are in the past all day long, you are unable to see anything but the past. The closest you get to the present is your particular past’s interpretation of what your body’s eyes tell you you are looking at, through the tinted lenses of your past.

You need to do the mind watching much more often, and start seeing with your mind’s eye, your inner self.