The Square Root of One Percent ??????

The Square Root of One Percent ??????

“How many ho’oponopono users does it take to influence a group of 6,400,000,000 (6.4 Billion) people?” “Why, that would be 8,000!” “How on Earth did you figure that?” “I simply took the square root of one percent of 6.4 billion!” So much for that little riddle! There...
All These Tempting Things and the World Around You

All These Tempting Things and the World Around You

Want some candy? When I bring up temptation remember there is no connotation here of doing something “wrong” or “sinful” in anyone’s behavior. What you do here doesn’t matter in the big picture, in the “real world.” But if you desire to be free of the fear and...
Election Year and the New vs Old Me

Election Year and the New vs Old Me

Meaningless Choices It occurred to me today while reading a headline-based news website that the New Me really does not care who the nominee for President in 2012 will be. A little background……. The “Old Me” cared. A lot. My blood would boil when the candidate I...

He Had a Dream

No matter what you may remember about Martin Luther King Jr, what comes first to my mind is his commitment to “Peaceful Protest.” I do not want to stray into politics, but “Peaceful Protest” is becoming a rare event, not that protests always turn violent, but this...

Business Maxim = The Method?

I was thinking about a great sign I saw in a business long ago. It said in so many words, “Rules of Customer Service: 1) The Customer is Always Right 2) If the Customer is Wrong, See Rule Number One” It occurred to me that this maxim, which ever since I (yes, me)...

I Need Do Nothing

Sit and Do Nothing I lead a busy life here on Earth. So do you I bet! But take some time to think about your spirit life that is directing what you do here from a different level. No, forget about understanding the concept of these different “levels” from the level...