A Mastermind group meeting is a heckuva way to spend an hour a week.

Don’t Miss The Turnoff!
Week before last, a comment during this weekly get-together was made to the effect, (paraphrasing here) “I hear all my friends talking about this that and the other, what’s wrong with so-and-so, complaining about people doing this crazy thing or some wrong thing someone said, and I am just so glad I don’t do that anymore.”
Profound statements like this seem to grow out of the mindset that The Miracle Business Method promotes. You see, once you begin to observe your mind, then move into the Now as often as you can, and then practice a little “ho” a few times a day, you stop living in the world as you used to know it. Petty personality issues start appearing to you as opportunities to help someone, because as the method teaches, anything other than love coming from another (a brother) is merely a call for help. Once you observe others as if they were a part of you and adopt the “call for help” analysis whenever someone shows anything but love, the world looks sooooo different than it used to. And your reaction is sooooo different than it would have been before. And you just feel sooooo much better, all the time!
Change observed and acknowledged by a friend in their own words is simply a great thing to share with that person and the whole group. I don’t take credit here as this Mastermind was already very spiritual before I had the pleasure of meeting her. But I do hope I have assisted her along the way to this revelation. I hope everyone reading this will someday feel this same type of change. It should be natural to feel good all the time, don’t you think?