Christmas Thoughts And Decisions

Thoughts About Christmas This time of year may be the only time some people think about religion at all. My upbringing did not involve much church at all, a little Sunday School, but that was it. I do not regret being brought up suburban and secular. But I sure wish...

This Holiday Season, Don’t Forget……

The Giving Season While doing business this holiday season, don’t forget to do something for yourself! My mind has been turned around so much in the past few years of study. One thing that really stands out for me is the fact that the more I give, the more I receive....

Peace, Brother

Ten years ago I would have been up in arms reading about possible war with Iran, Syria, troops everywhere, Ron Paul being ignored by the media, soldiers dying in Afghanistan, etc, etc. How pleasant it is to have put that whole mindset behind me. Knowing things now...

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! So……………

A Mastermind group meeting is a heckuva way to spend an hour a week. Don’t Miss The Turnoff! Week before last, a comment during this weekly get-together was made to the effect, (paraphrasing here) “I hear all my friends talking about this that and the other,...

This World of Lack

Oil. Food. Gold. Silver. Jobs. Money. All things that are important to us, all more expensive than before. Overpopulation. War. Earthquakes. Oil “spills.” Tsunamis. Droughts. Food shortages. Lots of them. More than ever before. I thought this brave new world of the...

Thoughts on Time

I am always looking for more knowledge when it comes to the subject of time. Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now emphasizes that past and present and time itself are mere illusions which need to be dropped in deference to the present eternal moment called “Now.” I have...