Admit it! When you hear the word “sin” you think of bible-type bad behavior. That is one definition of the word. But did you know in the old Greek language back at the turn of BC to AD the word sin actually meant “to miss the mark.”
I propose that when we try to analyze what is really meant by “sin” we should think of it as our minds listening to the little voice, the ego mind, the “old mind.”
Could it be that the original use of the word “sin” is to alert someone that they are not using the right mind? They are not present as the witnessing consciousness, and consequently they are not “hitting the mark.” They are not following the Miracle Business Method practice of mind watching!
Shame on all you sinners! Just kidding. But really, how wonderful has your old mind really made you feel all these years? It is time to sharpen our aim. It is time we all started hitting the mark, at least some of the time.