I was thinking about a great sign I saw in a business long ago. It said in so many words, “Rules of Customer Service: 1) The Customer is Always Right 2) If the Customer is Wrong, See Rule Number One”
It occurred to me that this maxim, which ever since I (yes, me) mistreated a client once about 20 years ago I have lived by, parallels exactly the theory of forgiveness which is a cornerstone of the advanced Miracle Business Method.
Think about it….what if you took this “system” of thought, where the customer is never wrong, and carried it into every part of your life, every relationship, every situation? I invite you to try this out. Everything that everyone you know does is always right. Of course as usual this is all done privately in your mind…..you don’t have to verbalize what you are thinking. Let me know how nice of a day you have when you do this.