Meaningless Choices
It occurred to me today while reading a headline-based news website that the New Me really does not care who the nominee for President in 2012 will be. A little backgroundā€¦ā€¦.
The ā€œOld Meā€ cared. A lot. My blood would boil when the candidate I disagreed with shot up in the polls and won Iowa, or New Hampshire, or wherever. It mattered whether my candidate got fair interviews on CNN. (Note: He NEVER did!)
The New Me still enjoys watching debates. The New Me still has the same favorite candidate as the Old Me did. (Hint: His name starts with ā€œRā€ and ends with ā€œon Paul.ā€) The difference is, the New Me since 2004 or so realizes what matters to the New Me. And anything to do with who will control the assets of the material world does not matter anymore. I now know that the New Me will be taken care of and does not have to worry about anything of this world as long as I continue living in the present moment, observing my thoughts, and forgiving everything I see everywhere.