I have worked over the years with many managers who never ventured outside the concrete comfort zone that they had built up around themselves. They built walls sometimes.
One of the Miracle Methods for management types, and even management wannabes moving up the ladder, is “inspired decision-making.” What is an inspired decision, pray tell?
It is simply this: that you choose, and choose deliberately, NOT to decide anything! It doesn’t get any easier. Words can’t explain this process. You simply have to try it. At work. In the workplace. During the heat of battle. Give control completely to the higher power inside you.
Once you try it, the positive results will speak for themselves. Your fear of being wrong, of being ineffective, melts away after just a short time trying this no-decision decision method.
How this works is for another post. Suffice it to say here that when your ego-centered mind gives control to the inner mind, the right mind that knows everything and always has, everything will simply become right. There will be no real effort. If you feel any stress, you aren’t doing it correctly. When doing it right, what you need to decide will be pointed out to you. It will become obvious.
Remember, you don’t have to believe it, you just have to try it!