Thought systems are very stubborn. You have nurtured your old thought system for years and years, your whole life in fact. Is it any wonder that it is clawing and scratching, fighting and kicking you when you try to bury it?
Your old way of thinking senses its upcoming demise. The new thought system that can bring you peace and happiness is almost cemented in place, and like in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado your old mind fears it is going to be walled up and shut off forever any minute now.
Consider this when you start to have doubts that you are doing the right thing when changing thought systems: did the old system bring you what you wanted? Have you been truly happy or at peace in any meaningful way in the past? Hasn’t the new way of thinking brought you closer to peace than at any other time before?
The fear your mind has when it sees its worth to you ending will make it fight for its life. This will appear as doubt about your new path being correct. Don’t listen to it. Stay in the present moment and let those doubts disappear.
More to come in Part II………………..