“How many ho’oponopono users does it take to influence a group of 6,400,000,000 (6.4 Billion) people?”
“Why, that would be 8,000!”
“How on Earth did you figure that?”
“I simply took the square root of one percent of 6.4 billion!”
So much for that little riddle! There is a book called The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden which documents how experiments have not only shown that “group prayer” can influence world events, but the experiments also show the number of “pray-ers” needed to influence those events.
The number needed, the square root of 1%, could be calculated on the above question as follows:
6.4 billion is the approximate population of the Earth a few years ago when the book mentioned above was published. One percent of 6.4 billion is 64 million. The square root of 64 million is 8,000. (8,000 times 8,000 or “8,000 squared” equals 64 million.)
I don’t know about you, but 8,000 is not that many people to have an influence over the whole world. Do some simple math, it is fun to see how much power you and a few friends can have when you put your minds to it! And read The Divine Matrix. It is a fascinating book!