People Need Your Information
I often think about what James Malinchack says when he invites the audience to launch their speaking career. He asks in so many words, “Think about all the people you are NOT helping by not speaking your message!”
I like to remind myself of this every time I am not pressing forward with my plan to help small businesses as best I can.
If you are feeling stuck and not committed to moving forward with your business plan, remember why you decided to pursue it in the first place. Remember your dreams of how many thousands, no, MILLIONS of people you could help. Visualize them sitting idly somewhere because you are not speaking to them. You are not making your idea/product/information available to them.
Think of your business idea as a PROMISE instead of a goal. Now go out and deliver what you agreed to give those people who need your product, service, and information. What are you waiting for? Look at all the people you WILL BE HELPING when you fulfill your promise to yourself!