Ahhh, Nice Aroma!
I am resolving this New Year’s Day to do a few things in 2012.
Number One – I will do a daily action toward my goal for my new business in 2012.
Number Two – I will stay committed to helping everyone I meet.
Number Three – I will refuse to be limited by the belief that I cannot control my own destiny minute by minute simply by thinking correctly.
Number Four – I will recognize everything that I see anyone do in business or otherwise as simply love, or a call for love.
Number Five – I will forgive everybody for everything they didn’t do! Remember that if you fail to forgive, you must judge, as you must justify your failure to forgive! Funny how that circle never ends huh?
I invite you to resolve things now that a new year is upon us. And call them “PROMISES” rather than “goals.” You will be more likely to honor them that way!
Happy New Year to all!