Tor Norretranders’ book The User Illusion contains a lot of interesting facts about consciousness and the way our brain works.
One very interesting fact is that your conscious mind (the one you use all day and trust so much to do everything right) can detect 15 to 20 bits of stimuli (pieces of information) per second through all five senses. But there are actually 50,000 bits bombarding your senses each second, sixty times per minute!
After doing the math, it turns out that you are aware consciously of one bit out of every 2,500 bits, or 4/10,000 of the time, which in baseball batting average style is batting .000 because they don’t take batting averages to four places, only three, and four rounds down to zero!
I am not putting down that amazing brain of yours! I am merely pointing out that we are basically blind and clueless when we allow our lives to be designed using only our conscious “ego” mind that believes in the solidity of the world. I prefer to tap into the side of our mind which is limitless and does process all 50,000 bits per second, and I do it by turning off my brain as often as possible and just letting inspiration direct my decisions, which I have found is effortless and very relaxing!