I Got Reminded Today – What A Help!

I Got Reminded Today – What A Help!

Eckhart Tolle wrote The Power of Now just for me! Or so it seems. Anyway, I had a particularly challenging event going on today which was sort of “taking me over” and “ruining my day,” as I actually put it. But I was reminded that like Mr Tolle says in the...
As Good As It Gets… And You Are Here

As Good As It Gets… And You Are Here

How does it feel? Now that you have arrived? This is the end! “Wait!” I hear you saying, “What the heck is he talking about?” What I am talking about is this: when you are in the right mind….the increasing mind…the one the Miracle Prosperity Course taught you how to...
Obstacles To Your Success – Part Two

Obstacles To Your Success – Part Two

No way can the people around you be expected to be objective. If you succeed in a big way, where does that leave them? That is how they think anyway! Ignore everyone when you have a bold new idea! Especially when they are the people closest to you. You know who I’m...
Obstacles To Your Success – Part One

Obstacles To Your Success – Part One

Thought systems are very stubborn. You have nurtured your old thought system for years and years, your whole life in fact. Is it any wonder that it is clawing and scratching, fighting and kicking you when you try to bury it? Your old way of thinking senses its...